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Goal: $250,000
$173,291 Total Raised
69% Complete

We raised $173,291 for Congregation Tzeirei Anash of Crown Heights!

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Let's Grow Together!


It’s easy to feel lost in the hustle and bustle of Crown Heights. For families seeking a warm, welcoming, and intimate shul setting, Tzeirei Anash’s doors are always open. We’re not just a congregation but a community. We’re not just a shul but a home-away-from-home. From weekly shiurim to farbrengens throughout the year, from vibrant women’s events to entertaining children’s programs, Tzeirei Anash is constantly growing to meet the demand.


But we need your support to continue.


Donating to Tzeirei Anash is investing in your community, in your spiritual connection, in your Torah study, and in your family. We are here for you every day of the year, but we need you to be here for us today!


Don’t just be a member; be a partner.


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